Setting up of Tribal Cultural and Research Centre has been the cherished dream of the Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust. Multi-crore Magnificent Complex to house the centre has already come up. The centre besides preserving and popularizing the best of cultural traditions as an inalienable constituent of the glorious cultural heritage of Himalayan Tribals has been working to crack the prevailing social isolation of tribal and promote cultural interactions not only among tribals domiciled in the different parts of the country and abroad but also among other sections of the society on the State and at National level for the broader perspective of strengthening of integration and solidarity of the country.
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Research Library: A research library set up in 1994 has procured rare books on cultural life, folklore, language, literature and history of tribals. The research library is increasingly attracting attention of researchers of various hues, especially on tribals, for the rare books it possesses. The number of books in the library runs into thousands.
Publication: Gurjar Desh Charitable Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust enthusiastically engaged in reviving the literature, language, folklore and other aspects of cultural heritage. Besides publication of many historical books on tribals, a good number of publications on culture, language and folklore have also been brought out by the Gurjar Desh Charitable Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust.
A Multilingual monthly Magazine is being published by the Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust for the last 10 years. Besides bringing out of regular monthly issues, some special issues too have been brought out.
Art Gallery and Museum: Some artifacts of antiquarian importance have been collected and further hunt continues . Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust has built up an archive of rare photographs, depicting different facets of the social and cultural lifestyles, tools, ornaments, old dresses etc. All these are of monumental significance.
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Seminars, Workshops, Cultural meets Literary get-togethers are the regular part of the 10 years activities of the Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust. Holding of 3-day National Seminars on Ethno-Cultural Heritage by the Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust in collaboration with Himalayan Research and Culture Foundation, new Delhi and National Museum of Mankind (Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Shangralaya, Bhopal, as also 12-day workshop on Modernization of Gojri script jointly organized by the Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust and Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore are special features of many such seminars and workshops.
Holding of Photo Exhibitions, organizing Cultural Programmes and other allied activities form regular part of Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust activities.
Setting up of a Premier Educational Institute – K.B. Public School: Recognized up to 12th Standard. The school has a Girls' Hostel and is provided with all the modern facilities. Two more educational institutions of the Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust are functional in the areas largely inhabited by tribals.
Setting up of Vocational Training Centre: The Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust has raised a magnificent building for vocational Training.
Girls' Hostel: Gurjar Desh Charitable Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust has raised a Girls Hostel having capacity of accommodating 100 girls. The hostel is well furnished and fully functional.
Guest House: The Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust has raised a Guest House within the Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust Complex. It is presently being provided with the requisite infrastructural facilities.
Office accommodation: The Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust has raised required buildings to meet the needs of its office accommodation.