The need for socio-economic transformation has always been advocated by our great leaders like Lok Nayak Jaya Prakesh Narayan. The Trust is undoubtedly playing its significant role to achieve this objective.
Shri Chandra Shekhar
Samajwadi Janta Party
16, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road,
New Delhi
October 22, 1994

I am extremely happy to learn that The Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust is engaging itself in multifarious activities aimed at further upliftment of Gurjars and Bakerwals. While the Govt. has taken several steps for improving the lot of nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes, there is need for voluntary organizations to supplement these efforts. Such organizations can help create awareness among these tribes with a view to further integrating them into the national mainstream.
Shri Rajesh Pilot
Minister of State (Internal Security)
Ministry of Home Affairs
New Delhi
October 19, 1994

It is heartening to know that voluntary organizations like Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust, are supplementing the efforts of the government agencies to promote the welfare of the Gujjars and are working constructively for the preservation and advancement of the Gujjar culture. It is important that backward, nomadic or semi nomadic communities in Jammu and Kashmir do not face any discrimination and neglect in the future and find their due place in the social, economic and political life of the state.
Shri Girish Chandra Saxena
Jammu & Kashmir
(Girish Chandra Saxena) |
December, 1999

It is, indeed, gratifying to note that the Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust has taken up the task of highlighting the facets of life of Gujjars and Bakerwals, thereby contributing towards building public awareness about their problems.
Shri K. V. Krishna Rao
Jammu and Kashmir
General K.V. Krishna Rao
PVSM, Retd. |
July, 1995

It has been my life-long endeavour to work for the upliftment of the backward and downtrodden, but vast community of Gujjars. It is, therefore, a dream come true for me to see the Gujjar Charitable Trust Centre develop and come of age. I offer nothing less than my best wishes to the Centre.
Begum Akbar Jahan
Gupkar Road, Srinagar

The efforts of the Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust for the transformation of the Gujjar community and bringing them out of the morass of social, education and economic backwardness are praise-worthy. It is perhaps the only NGO, which has done a yeoman’s, service to the people in general and Gujjars in particular.
Dr. Farooq Abdullah
Chief Minister
Jammu and Kashmir
(Dr. Farooq Abdullah) |
April, 2002

The Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust is the first serious effort of the community to modernize the community and create a credible institution for the educational, Social and cultural development of the Gujjars. It has already set up a School, a Hostel for girls and ambulance service for the community.
Dr. Farooq Abdullah
Chief Minister
Jammu and Kashmir
(Dr. Farooq Abdullah) |
November, 2002

The Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust, Jammu has contributed admirably to the preservation and promotion of the most fundamental issues and interests of underprivileged classes and various Tribal groupings of the State Managed by a committed team of individuals of eminence, the Trust has already emerged as the epicenter of Tribal development and welfare. It works under a multi-pronged strategy of development and has done commendable work in not only preservation and promotion of rich cultural heritage of Tribals but also in reviving the ancient traditions, folklore, music, dance drama and rich Tribal languages.
Jenab Mufti Mohammad Sayeed
Chief Minister
Jammu and Kashmir
(Mufti Mohammad Sayeed) |
March 22, 2005

I visited School. I must say teacher and students are working with sense of dedication and missionary zeal. This institution has a great future. The State Government would extend all its support for its expansion and upkeep.
Jenab Mufti Mohammad Sayeed
Chief Minister
Jammu and Kashmir
(Mufti Mohammad Sayeed) |
April 25, 2003

A very impressive experience for me to see such a remarkable, purposeful and well-organized work undertaken by the Trustees. While saluting and complimenting them from core of my heart I extend my best wishes to this Trust.
Shri Abdul Rashid Dar
J&K Legislative Council
Jammu and Kashmir
April, 2001

It is heartening to note that a group of social Workers have launched a non-political Gujjar Desh Charitable Trust for the social-economic upliftment of the Gujjar and Bakerwal communities. The socio-economic upliftment of these communities is uppermost in the mind of the State Government also. Assistance from voluntary organizations like Gujjar Desh Charitable Trust will supplement the efforts of the Government in amelioration of the conditions of these communities.
Shri R. K. Sayied
Advisor to Governor
Jammu and Kashmir

I was highly impressed by the work done by the Trust. I wish every success for the Trust.
Shri Ali Mohammad Naik
Revenue Minister
Jammu and Kashmir
November 21, 1998

Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust through its decade long sustained efforts and visionary campaign has become a live apostle of emancipation. Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust is an institution, first of its kind in the State, perhaps in north India which has taken such an arduous task.
Molvi Ifthikar Hussain Ansari
Minister for Social Welfare
Jammu and Kashmir
(Molvi Ifthikar Hussain Ansari) |
July, 2002

“Really delighted to visit this Institute, I wish the Management and all those who are associated with its build-up, modernization all-round success, prosperity in the times to come as this institution/ Trust is whole heartedly devoted to the upliftment of downtrodden, neglected segments of the society. I, once again place my sincere commendations for all those, particularly its chairman for development of the institution on modern scientific lines”.
Shri Mula Ram
Minister for Social Welfare
Jammu and Kashmir
September 7, 2004

I find no words to praise the work taken up by the Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust. May God bless with success the goal achieved for which this Trust is established.
S. M. Bukhari
MOS Social Welfare
Jammu and Kashmir
July, 2002

The management has ambitious plan to provide education to the backward students of Gujjar and Bakerwals of the State. Education is the foundation stone of all progress in life. God helps the projects achieve success. Patience and dedicated work will have desired results.
Shri A. A. Vakil
Revenue Minister
Jammu and Kashmir
December 2, 1997

I am highly impressed by the manner in which the institution is being run, more so a charitable institution. Whether it is hostel or class room or even the bath room every thing was spick and span. More important I am impressed by the objective of the Trust. Keep the good work!
Shri Nawang Rigzin Jora
Shri Taj Mohi-ud-Din
Jammu and Kashmir
(Nawang Rigzin Jora)
(Taj Mohi-ud-Din) |
December 24, 2005

The efficiency with which Gurjar Desh Charitable has been working for the upliftment of Gujjars and other downtrodden nomadic people is praise-worthy.
Lt. Gen. J.B.S. Yadava
(Lt. Gen. J.B.S. Yadava) |
April, 2002

It was a pleasant experience to visit Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust. I am impressed with the dedication of the staff who have undertaken the task of bringing forth the rich culture and heritage of Gujjars. The sacrifice of this section of society needs to be commended and appreciated. My best wishes are with the staff of this organization.
Maj. Gen. Pramod Grover
(Maj. Gen. Pramod Grover) |
June, 2001

I am pleased to learn that the Gurjar- Desh Charitable Trust has been set up to help the Gujjar community in their overall development. This community known for its steadfastness, hard labour and simplicity has lagged behind as compared to other sections of the society.
I wish the Trust to play positive and meaningful role in the progress of this community.
Sheikh Gulam Rasool
Chief Secretary
Jammu and Kashmir
(Sheikh Gulam Rasool) |
November, 1993

The brave and hardy community of Gujjars inhabit the less accessible and hospitable areas of the State. This makes the delivery of the fruits of development to them in full measures that much more difficult. Non-governmental agencies such as this Trust can make a notable contribution in bringing about the general betterment in the living standards of the Gujjar community.
Shri H. H. Tyabji
Chief Secretary
Jammu and Kashmir
September 28, 1994

A great pleasure for me to come here and see great things Gujjar Trust is doing and intending to do in the future.
Shri Ashok Kumar IAS
Chief Secretary
Jammu and Kashmir
May 25, 1995

It was a pleasant experience for me to visit this centre run by the Gujjar Desh Charitable Trust. The organizers of the society are rendering a yeoman’s service to those sections of the society, which though possessing rich culture and traditions deserve focused attention for their educational and economic development.
Mohd. Shafi Pandit
A.C.S (finance)
J&K Government
(Mohd. Shafi Pandit) |
November 19, 1995

I am very happy to visit the establishment of Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust and all the activity profile in which it is engaged. What has impressed me immensely is the consummate dedication of the members of the Trust and innate commitment to fructify the objectives they have espoused for the welfare and development of Gujars, their language and literature.
I also participated in the major event of release of three books published under the aegis of the Trust. Such a type of NGOs can promote the spirit of voluntary effort and mainstream the Gujjars with the developmental process. I wish the Trust all the best to its endeavours and activity.
Smt. Sushma Choudhary
ACS (Planning)
J&K Government
April, 1996

Gurjar Charitable Trust has done amazing work since its inception within a very short time. The wealth of material that it has collected is extremely rare and of great scholarly value. In fact there is hardly any other institution that has done similar work. I feel proud that I have been associated with the community and various phases of its movement for the last three generations. The educated and enlightened leadership has not only done a very constructive work for the community but also made a positive and valuable contribution to its socio-cultural life. I hope that my dream of seeing this community playing a role of promoting harmony and goodwill between the vast diversity of various communities of the State will certainly fructify. My service would be at its disposal as they have always seen.
Shri Balraj Puri
July 19, 1997

I am extremely impressed with what I have seen today of your School and also of your Centre that is coming up. I wish the school and the centre the very best and hope to remain in touch with its bright future.
Prof. Aparna Rao
Institute of Voelkerkunda
University Kodu, Albertus-Maguas Platz

I cannot believe what I see!! Congratulations!!! Hats off to your illustrious father figure founder!!! Choudhary Masud Ahmed Sahib.
Nothing great is born without LOVE and DEVOTION!! We are all blessed and lucky that people of Masud Sahib's Caliber and enthusiasm are still around. And I pray this venture to become one of the best in the country. May good fortune be on my student of 35 years who heads it. I salute you.
Dr. Aga Ashraf Ali
The veteran Educationist
(Dr. Aga Ashraf Ali) |
January 28, 2006
