The Research Wing of TCRTI shall have a panel of experts in sociological research with tribal population of Jammu and Kashmir as the area of specialization. There are already some writers of repute who have contributed prolifically in the field of tribal research in Jammu and Kashmir. The Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust shall feel privileged to press into service their valuable guidance and expertise in shaping and developing the TCRTI into a premier institute of tribal research in Jammu and Kashmir. The services of these writers and researchers shall be available on honorarium basis. Moreover, the Universities of Jammu/ Kashmir have a number of outstanding professors with track record of proven research work in the Departments of Sociology, Economics, Political Science and History. As and when required, it will always be possible for the Gurjar Desh Charitable Trust to utilize their expertise and experience on honorarium or contract basis.Functionally this wing of the institute shall gather information from all possible sources on the origin, evolution and settlement of different ethnic communities settled in different parts of Jammu and Kashmir. The study shall be conducted in a manner that seeks to trace the history of the tribals in global context and helps identify the problems confronting these marginal communities and to suggest solutions thereof for facilitating these otherwise backward and neglected species in the developing world. On the spot study of the tribal settlements, their life patterns, existing challenges, their response to modernization, their predilections to adapt themselves in this fast changing world and the means by which the living standards of these marginal communities are improved, shall form the core subjects on which the scholars of the research wing shall direct their focus.